You found it — an accurate compendium of the world's marketing phrases
Phrase Database is
one of the largest
collections of mottos, slogans, & taglines
verified to be in use or used in the past by organizations and companies or their various subsidiaries or product brands.
Each phrase has been authenticated for accuracy after independent verification by multiple research specialists.
Access Options
10% of database
Limited to companies whose name starts with the letter "A"
Trial access gives you a no-risk way to check out how the Phrase Database works. Your account will enable search for keywords of interest -- but search results will be restricted to companies that start with the letter "A" (e.g., Accenture "Let There Be Change", Airbus "We Make It Fly", etc.)
You can always upgrade your account later!
100% of database
7 days of use
100% of database
12 months of use
List of hundreds of large companies with no motto, slogan, or tagline – great for sales prospecting by ad agencies and brand consultancies.
How is this different than the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) search tool?
The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) operated by the USPTO is a useful resource, BUT it has some drawbacks.
The USPTO doesn’t collect non-American company phrases that haven’t been submitted by a licensed US attorney. But the Phrase Database does! Over 7% of the English-language phrases in our collection are used by companies based outside of the United States, but not trademarked in the United States.
The Phrase Database is a service of Research Biz, LLC, headed by a market research expert with over 30 years of professional experience in the industry.